Portuguese players become reporters and ask fellow players funny questions. This was during a promo event for Sporting CP players. They were signing autographs for fans of a Sporting DVD so Joao Moutinho and Brazilian defender Anderson Polga were there.
March 10, 2008- Nuno Gomes fala-nos do assédio das mulheres!
(Nuno Gomes tells us about the onslaught of female fans)
English translation:
00:13: Sporting defender Anderson Polga asks Nuno Gomes: "What's the secret that makes Portuguese women and women abroad crazy about Nuno Gomes?"
00:18 Nuno Gomes, wearing a red jacket, just laughs and doesn't say anything.
00:20 Nuno Gomes asking João Moutinho: "Right now we're with Joao Moutinho joining us." Joao Moutinho smiles.
00:23 Nuno Gomes asnwering Polga: "Did you come up with that question?" and laughs
Polga: "I didn't come up with the question, I always hear that about you" [women are crazy about Nuno Gomes]
00:30 Nuno Gomes asking João Moutinho: "Would you like to tell us about the pictures in this promo?" [Sporting CP DVD] João Moutinho signing autographs of the Sporting CP DVDs for a fan.
00:35 Nuno Gomes signing autographs for fans.
00:40 João Moutinho answering Nuno Gomes' question: "Yes sir, I think it's one of the best photos taken of me. I think I look good in them."
00:43 Nuno Gomes answering Polga: "I don't think there is any secret. Neither do I think that they're crazy."
01:20 Polga says when it comes to female fans, he's shy because he's already married and doesn't deal with that.
01:25 Nuno Gomes to Polga: "You know more than everybody, as a football player, there are certainly many situations."
01:38 Nuno Gomes: "I see it differently, as a football player."
Then it goes to cover a separate story.
Screenshots of Nuno Gomes and Joao Moutinho in the video:

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