This is a fun video report in Portuguese, from Brazil, that asks who's cuter Kaká or Cristiano Ronaldo. My answer, Kaka' sem duvida (Without a doubt).
They ask players from the Brazilian league to choose among the two. They could have guessed that male players would be reluctant to say who's cuter.
- Fabinho, midfielder from Fluminense, says "I have no problem choosing, they're both cute. For me, Kaka' is cuter."
- A winger from Flamengo "Everyone knows they're both cute. I think Kaka' is cuter."
- Thiago Silva- midfielder from Fluminense "They both look cool, well-dressed. But I'm not going to choose."
Then they ask the women in the Brazil volleyball team, they say Kaka'.
02:27 Then they went to the streets in Rio De Janeiro , Brazil to ask the people. With life-sized cutouts of both players they ask women. Most of them say Kaka'. A few say Cristiano Ronaldo.

So, Kaká or Cristiano Ronaldo who's more attractive?
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