speaking in Portuguese when he received the Golden Boot award in the Portuguese island of Madeira.
English translation:
Cristiano Ronaldo: "To receive it in Madeira in a great day. Happy to win the Golden Boot, something I've always wanted. Happy to be here with my family and the people of Madeira. I'm really very happy."
00:50 Who asked about getting the award here in Madeira? You wanted to honor your father. You stil have a strong connection to Madeira.
Cristiano Ronaldo:
"Because my father always believed in me. He said I'd one day win it. For him and for my family. I was also born here. I didn't think about it twice. I know of all the love and care the people of Madeira have for me. I wanted to return their love in this form."

Cristiano Ronaldo:
"Yes it was a very emotional moment because it's one thing to talk about it and another. It's a heavy award. I'm very happy."
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